quicksafety app – QuickSafety https://www.quicksafety.com.au Certificates Of Compliance App Thu, 16 Dec 2021 00:43:22 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.2 https://www.quicksafety.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/favicon-150x150.png quicksafety app – QuickSafety https://www.quicksafety.com.au 32 32 Is going green – really green? https://www.quicksafety.com.au/is-going-green-really-green/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/is-going-green-really-green/#respond Thu, 16 Dec 2021 00:43:22 +0000 https://www.quicksafety.com.au/?p=7962 The post Is going green – really green? appeared first on QuickSafety.


Let us discuss green technology. From solar panels, winds farms, and EV cars the push is on to make quick changes. But should we be making the changes quickly?
I am all for a green future, and I think that is a sensible solution. What I am not so sure of is the speed at which implementation happens and looking at the “total picture.” We must look at all the processes from beginning to end to fully validate the benefit of implementing green technology. I would like to break this down into the respective areas to make us all think about this.

Manufacture – what are the real implications of the manufacturing process. What materials are being used? How are these products being made? Where are they being made? Are they recyclable? Are there certification standards? How are these certifications verified in a global economy? So many things to think about, but we all tend to jump straight to the end and see the benefit, without taking into consideration the above.
What about the materials – are they recyclable? Are they a renewable source? What is the energy expended to produce this product? What source of energy is used to produce the product? Does this offset the carbon emissions, or does it increase it from existing technology? Does the product meet the countries required Standards? Does the country have set Standards? According to Sustainability Victoria 83% of a solar panels makeup is not currently recyclable in Australia. In Victoria, this waste is banned. Current stats show that we are generating e-waste 3 times faster than general waste. Get my point? We must think about the ENTIRE process.

Installation – In 2019 we had a major drama in Queensland with the installation of solar panels. Who can install them? What qualifications do you need to have to install panels? Are they electrical or are they mechanical? Is there regulatory oversight? The same issues go with EV charging stations and wind farms. We all know that if a product is not installed properly, it can lose most of its effectiveness and therefore negate the benefit to the user. We cannot have another Home Insulation Scheme debacle, that’s for sure!

If solar panels are not installed properly (too many panels for the size of the inverter) by qualified people (and how do we know they are qualified? – don’t get me started on that one!) they can become overloaded, causing excessive heat which can lead to installation fires. What recourse does a person have for issues with the panels? Australian homes and businesses have installed solar panels, but do you end up removing them like this couple?

Certification & Testing – Even once they are installed, by which standards do they fall under? What certifications must be obtained? What are the testing requirements to ensure it is safe and fully compliant? What regulators are involved? Who is the governing authority in this matter? Is there regulatory oversight?

We have seen a prime example of this in solar panels installs in Queensland in 2019. Indicators show that 1 in 4 Australian homes have solar, but the Installation Standards, or lack of clear standards, is the cause for “unsafe solar installations.” All bodies must work together, the consequences are too high, and we MUST get this right.

Maintenance – What are the requirements? Who is accredited to do this work? How do you know they are accredited? What are the Standards? Where are the guidelines? Who is responsible for ensuring this process is undertaken? Is there regulatory oversight?

Responsibility – In Queensland, Australia, if you are a director of a business with any renewable energy sources installed, YOU are liable under the Queensland WHS Act Section 5 ruling around the duties of a PCBU Person in Charge of a Building or Undertaking). As a homeowner, YOU are responsible for ensuring this happens. This also includes maintenance of the panels which cause the same issues, even if they were installed correctly.

Lifecycle – What is the lifecycle of the product? Does the cost outweigh the advantage? How do we calculate this cost as real dollars?

If we look at wind generation, the maximum lifespan of each blade is 25 years. This may seem like a great deal and a long time, but each blade (longer than a 747 wing) equates to 17 tonnes of un-renewable material. Europe has 3,800 blades placed in landfill per year, 64,600 tonnes. Solar is no better either. We must be thinking smarter when we come to the entire lifecycle of the product.

Kurt’s Summary – We need to allow the government, and associated regulators, the opportunity to fully look at the technology, understand it, set out the criteria for all the above (make it plain and simple), and mandate the required standards – BEFORE mass adoption of ANY new renewable sources. Similarly, the government and regulators MUST do this quickly, simply, and correctly. We cannot be held up by bureaucratic delays and indecision.

I will leave you with this report by the EU “A life cycle perspective on the benefits of renewable electricity generation”. Download this and have a good read. One item that it included reinforced the overall point I am trying to bring to our attention – “the increased use of RES is not impact free and may come at a cost to the environment.” In order to be responsible for our actions on this planet we MUST know, understand, and agree to these “costs” from all perspectives – BEFORE we jump on the renewable energy bandwagon.

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METS Case Study Flyer https://www.quicksafety.com.au/mets-electrical-compliance/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/mets-electrical-compliance/#respond Sun, 15 Dec 2019 14:00:00 +0000 http://www.quicksafety.com.au/mets-electrical-compliance/ The post METS Case Study Flyer appeared first on QuickSafety.


QuickSafety: A mobile solution for electrical safety and compliance

The Innovation

QuickSafety’s core product is a mobile app for electricians tackling compliance, risk and safety issues. The app enables electricians to complete safety certificates on their mobile device which are stored in accordance with regulatory requirements and can be accessed by asset owners, managers and regulators. The Brisbane-based start-up is also working towards preventive maintenance solutions based on data from the app to avoid costly power outages and system downtimes.

The diffusion and adoption process

What are the factors driving the adoption?
The young start-up seeks to further expand its business into the mining industry after having delivered successful user and customer experiences in the electrical and construction sector. A number of conditions and factors are anticipated to drive the adoption:

  • Compliance is a regulatory requirement: Electrical circuits need to be checked for compliance after installation and during retests. Currently used paper-based forms are laborious to complete and prone to
    errors; using the mobile app can fast-track the process, increase productivity and efficiency.
  • Instant validation of compliance: Data entered into the app is validated in real-time against compliance with standards of AS/NZS 3000 / 3017 which cannot be achieved by paper-based forms.
  • Greater transparency: In line with regulatory requirements, compliance certificates are stored for five years and can be digitally accessed by electricians, mining operators and regulatory bodies – thereby providing easy access to all relevant stakeholders.
  • Organisational health and safety drivers: Application of QuickSafety’s National Safety Alerts promises advances in electrical safety addressing the need of mining companies to provide a safer work environment for employees.
  • Room for value-added advancements: Ongoing development of preventive and proactive maintenance functionality aims to add more value to the innovation by helping to prevent outages and system downtimes.
  • Easy implementation of the innovation: The mobile app can be used on an electrician’s smartphone, reducing the need for investing in new hardware and offering an easy-to-use interface (e.g. red/green for

What are the barriers to diffusion and adoption? And how is QuickSafety managing these bottlenecks?

While some factors are favourable for the diffsion of QuickSafety’s innovation, the start-up is facing challenges and bottlenecks. Diffrent approaches and strategies assist with addressing these issues.


Electricians and electrical contractors demonstrate some resistance to change due to learned routines and limited awareness of possible issues with current approaches.


  • Educating potential customers and emphasising value of the product in terms of minimising safety, risk and compliance issues.
  • Offering the app for free to electricians highlighting time-savings for everyday jobs and risk reductions (e.g. safety alerts to the phone).
  • Collaboration with industry association to promote the mobile app and its advantages to their members; such as increased safety, real-time validation, and ease of use.


Regulatory requirements: The mobile app and its safety certificates need to comply with each state’s mining regulatory requirements.


Structured and strategic approach to meet regulatory requirements by moving from the top to the bottom: From federal to state level to industry-specific regulations. QuickSafety is now fully certified to AS/NZS3000/3017 Standards and is approved by each States Electrical Regulator.


Long procurement processes and cycles at mining companies can make it challenging for a start-up with limited resources to survive over long time-frames.


Diversification strategy to not only focus on mining but also on other industries such as construction.


Start-ups new to market and industry face liabilities due to newness, smallness, and resource constraints.


  • Targeted networking at conferences and industry events to increase knowledge of market and industry and to seek relevant contacts.
  • Seeking validity for the start-up through different strategies: Participation in METS accelerator programs /
    receiving funding from a venture capitalist well-known in the mining industry / Receiving regulatory certification and approval.


Size and structure of mining customers: For start-ups in the METS sector it can be challenging to find the right
contact person within a mining company with their sometimes convoluted structures of different departments, different sites and different responsibilities. Contact persons in head offices may not have an understanding of issues related to electrical compliance at mine sites.


  • Educating potential customers about the issues and problems they may be facing and what solutions can be provided – for example at conferences or during in-house presentations.
  • After initial contacts have been made, trying to stay ‘on the radar’ and build long-lasting relationships through ongoing personal contacts and showing presence at relevant industry events and conferences.

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Australia’s first combined electrical safety alert system set to save lives https://www.quicksafety.com.au/safety-alert-release/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/safety-alert-release/#respond Thu, 19 Sep 2019 14:00:00 +0000 http://www.quicksafety.com.au/safety-alert-release/ Four tradesmen were killed during the home insulation scheme. Electricians did not know to turn the power off when entering the attic, therefore endangering themselves. Then the infinity cable recall, this cost the industry over $300M worth of damage and there is still over 47% of the cable that has never been recovered. Every day...

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Four tradesmen were killed during the home insulation scheme. Electricians did not know to turn the power off when entering the attic, therefore endangering themselves. Then the infinity cable recall, this cost the industry over $300M worth of damage and there is still over 47% of the cable that has never been recovered. Every day electricians are working in environments that carry lethal dangers, they must know the dangers immediately. The safety alert system in Australia has been broken for years.

Quick Safety, which is an Electrical Inspection & Testing app (released in May 2019), has put an end to these dangers by announcing their industry innovation of a ‘combined electrical safety alert system’ that notifies electricians when 1 of the 23 Australian or New Zealand agencies announce a dangerous situation.

No longer will everyday electricians need to rely on their electrical contractor (employer) to pass on these alerts that are received 2nd hand via their employer.

Through the Quick Safety app there is a medium that we can connect with electricians, ensuring a direct communications pathway between the existing 23 local, state and federal agencies and the electricians on the ground around Australia and New Zealand.

Quick Safety takes all 23 channels across Australia and New Zealand, we filter and sort according to HIGH priorities and normal priorities. The HIGH priorities are pushed out to the app and it locks the screen instantly and ensures the electrician opens, reads, and acknowledges the alert before continuing with their work. At the same time a message is sent to them warning of the alert, this way Quick Safety captures everyone – those working and those not working. Low level alerts sit on the homepage of the app and electricians can catch up with the alerts at smoko or lunch. The employer can see their team have acknowledged the alert and all their staff in the field are protected and aware of the danger.

Quick Safety has now launched their FREE Safety Alert System for the protection of all 208,000+ electricians across Australia and New Zealand.

To help protect your team and protect yourself on the site, go to the app store and download the ‘QuickSafety’ app.

This app is completely free and is our gift to the industry.

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How QuickSafety Can Help You Do Your Job Better, Faster https://www.quicksafety.com.au/quicksafety-help-job-better/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/quicksafety-help-job-better/#respond Mon, 04 Feb 2019 14:00:00 +0000 http://www.quicksafety.com.au/quicksafety-help-job-better/ If you’re a licensed electrician or electrical contractor working in Australia, you’ll know how important it is to not only complete your jobs to a high standard, but to keep on top of your filing—especially in terms of those all-important certificates of electrical compliance. Fortunately, QuickSafety offers a solution here. To gain a better understanding...

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If you’re a licensed electrician or electrical contractor working in Australia, you’ll know how important it is to not only complete your jobs to a high standard, but to keep on top of your filing—especially in terms of those all-important certificates of electrical compliance.

Fortunately, QuickSafety offers a solution here. To gain a better understanding of what our app offers, let’s take a closer look and learn more about its features that will help you do your job better, faster.

Why Electricians and Contractors Need a Convenient, Paperless Filing System

The filing of certificates of electrical compliance is an essential part of the signing off process for electrical work across Australia. However, it’s easy for this critical step to be overlooked when we’re busy working across multiple jobs. Remember that these certificates ensure that the work done is up to current safety standards, which means they shouldn’t be ignored.

So what’s the problem with lost compliance paperwork or failure to comply with Australian safety regulations? Well, it’s illegal, and it can cost electricians up to $550,000.

It’s not just electricians and electrical contractors who are affected. Professional tradesmen working across the construction and mining industries can be affected, too. With all these filing regulations comes another problem—keeping your paperwork organised and secure. Electricians are required by law to hold onto compliance certificates for at least five years (or seven in New Zealand), and failure to do so can result in additional penalties.

This is why it’s so important to have a paperless, convenient system through which to keep track of all your compliance certificates and the work you’ve undertaken.

How QuickSafety Can Help

The QuickSafety app is developed with electricians and electrical contractors and the problems they’re facing in mind, especially those related to compliance filing.

Using complex filing tools and working across multiple platforms costs businesses time and money. Our app lets you log and complete jobs with just a few clicks, helping you move from one task to the next seamlessly and efficiently.

The QuickSafety App: Key Features

The QuickSafety app boasts many impressive advantages over traditional filing and job management tools. QuickSafety will not only help ensure you file your compliance certificates on time but will also make your job easier in other aspects.

  • No training required: QuickSafety integrates with your existing business management systems so you don’t need to spend more time installing new software or training your team to use a new system.
  • Syncs across devices: QuickSafety syncs automatically across devices, bringing you up-to-date information and data. This eliminates the need to spend time and energy in manual info gathering across your team.
  • 24/7 access: Access your certificates remotely and at any time of day. Instantly update jobs so that your team can see the most recent and most precise information available.
  • Inspections and testing: QuickSafety enables users to input test results and the app validates these results to current standards to ensure that the work done is safe and compliant to the standards.
  • Instant lodging and paperless management: Lodge your certificates instantly. You also won’t have to deal with loads of paperwork, so you can keep your workspace free from clutter, which has a host of benefits.
  • Pre-plan jobs: Schedule jobs in advance so you know exactly what you need, where you’re going to be, and when you’re going to be there. Upload your certificates in real-time to ensure there are no potentially risky delays. As with any job, proper planning results in more efficiency, preparedness, and faster completion of work.

Me and my team created QuickSafety to help you do your job easier, faster and safer, especially when it comes to compliance. We know the value of efficiency, proper time management, and making sure that the job meets the proper standards—things that our app will help you achieve. Not only does QuickSafety remove the hassle of manually filing certificates of compliance, it will also helps you manage your and your team’s tasks better, resulting in more efficiency and productivity.

If you want to know more about how we can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

QuickSafety is now available for download via Google Play (for Android devices) and iTunes (for iOS devices).

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The Dangers of Not Lodging Your Certificates of Compliance https://www.quicksafety.com.au/dangers-certificates-compliance/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/dangers-certificates-compliance/#respond Wed, 23 Jan 2019 14:00:00 +0000 http://www.quicksafety.com.au/dangers-certificates-compliance/ As a licensed electrician or electrical contractor working in Australia, you must provide customers with certificates of electrical compliance. These certificates are an important part of the job, and the consequences of failing to issue or lodge them can be severe. Below, I break down why these certificates are so important and what happens if you fail...

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As a licensed electrician or electrical contractor working in Australia, you must provide customers with certificates of electrical compliance. These certificates are an important part of the job, and the consequences of failing to issue or lodge them can be severe.

Below, I break down why these certificates are so important and what happens if you fail to issue, lodge, or file them properly on time or if you don’t issue them at all. 

Certificate of Electrical Compliance 

A certificate of electrical compliance confirms that an electrician or electrical contractor has completed their work to Australian electrical regulatory standards. Different states and territories have slightly different names for these certificates, but their aim is the same: to ensure quality of the work done and for the safety of the client.

Certificates of electrical compliance are very important. Aside from giving consumers peace of mind, they ensure that you’re only liable for the work you’ve undertaken, which protects you and your reputation if the client gets further, non-certified work done. 

So, the question now is, what happens if you issue or file these certificates late or not at all? 

The Repercussions of Non-compliance

The consequences may vary if you fail to lodge electrical compliance certificates. Here are the most significant consequences that you should be aware of. 

Financial Penalties

Don’t financially risk your business by neglecting your compliance certificate duties. If your state electrical regulator finds that you’ve failed to lodge or issue certificates on time, or at all, they can and will fine you. As an example, for single case fines, the penalty for failing to issue this certificate can be as high as $5,000 while failure to comply with Australian safety regulations could mean fines of up to $550,000.

Failure to store your compliance certificates for a certain number of years will also result in more fines. For example, in Queensland, the penalty is $4,000. Is it worth the risk? Certainly not!

Losing Your License

Both electricians and electrical contractors could suffer restrictions or lose their license entirely if they fail to issue and file the necessary compliance certificates as needed. The good news is, this task doesn’t have to stressful and involve excessive amounts of paperwork anymore—our QuickSafety app allows you to digitally file and securely store your certificates of compliance for the required five years (or seven years in New Zealand).

Unsafe Work

Licensed electrical workers, by law, must comply with Wiring Rules, including, of course, the issuing and lodging of compliance certificates, and putting their license number on the document. Electricians who fail to complete a compliance certificate because they aren’t licensed to do the work put their customers—and themselves—at risk of serious electrical accidents and faults. In other words, these certificates can also ensure that the electrician who did the job is licensed to do so. Unlicensed electrical work can result in fines of as high as $40,000.

Loss of Reputation

Reputation is a big deal for electricians and electrical contractors. If you have a reputation for sloppy work practices, this can damage your business long-term—in the eyes of workers and clients alike. Aside from hefty fines and the possibility of getting restrictions or having your license revoked, lodging or filing certificates of compliance late or not at all will certainly negatively impact your reputation. And, since word can get out quite fast especially with instant messaging services, social media, and mobile devices, this could ultimately lead to less work and fewer clients for you.

As an example, recently, a person was fined $7,200 plus costs for unauthorised electrical work without certification. Don’t let the same happen to you.

How QuickSafety Can Help

At QuickSafety, we not only help you do your job more easily, we also help you do it right. Our app functions as an easy-to-use platform that lets you lodge and securely store certificates of compliance. This is done efficiently through online connectivity—however, if you’re out of network range, the app will store the information and upload it once you’re online once again. We also provide electricians with assistance in terms of inspections and testing, including input and validation to current standards.

Lastly, ours is an app that functions as a great tool to manage your and your team’s tasks—especially in terms of planning—and eliminate messy paperwork for a workplace that’s conducive to productivity.

The QuickSafety app is now available for download via Google Play (for Android) and iTunes (for iOS). If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me and my team

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Certificate of Electrical Compliance: What You Need to Know https://www.quicksafety.com.au/certificate-of-electrical-compliance-what-you-need-to-know/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/certificate-of-electrical-compliance-what-you-need-to-know/#respond Sun, 13 Jan 2019 14:00:00 +0000 http://www.quicksafety.com.au/certificate-electrical-compliance/ The post Certificate of Electrical Compliance: What You Need to Know appeared first on QuickSafety.


Electrical installation and maintenance work can potentially be very dangerous, which is why clients need to know that the electricians working on their property have completed the job to Australian/New Zealand standards. Electricians working in Australia and New Zealand must supply a Certificate of Compliance for electrical work after completing a job, and those who fail to properly certify their work can be fined up to $550,000.

But what exactly are Certificates of Compliance, and what do they mean for you? Below, I break down what you need to know—and how QuickSafety can help you.

Certificate of Electrical Compliance

A Certificate of Electrical Compliance essentially tells the customer that the electrical work undertaken complies with the appropriate federal and state safety standards. The benefits of having a Certificate of Electrical Compliance are:

  • Peace of mind for the consumer, because the work undertaken is tested to the appropriate Australian standards.
  • Peace of mind for the electrician, as they are responsible for the work they carried out under the certification.
  • Electricians can easily self-certify the work they’ve undertaken.
  • Electrical work can be easily verified, audited, and regulated across the sector.

Get Your Certificate of Electrical Compliance for Your Assets with Quick Safety!

Only a registered electrical contractor and electrician may issue this certificate. This guarantees the quality of the work done.

When a Certificate of Electrical Compliance is Required

A Certificate of Electrical Compliance is required any time a licensed electrician undertakes electrical work in the home, commercial, industrial, mining, or oil & gas locations when they install, modify or alter your electrical wiring.

The certificate guarantees that the work undertaken in your state complies with both the Electricity Safety Act and the Electricity Safety Regulations.

How to File a Certificate

In most states, electricians will give the customer a copy of the certificate as soon as possible following completion of the job. The completed certificate must include:

  • Name and address of the customer, or for whom the electrician performed the work.
  • Details of the work and tests undertaken.
  • Date the work was undertaken.
  • Electricians workers license number.
  • Electrical contractor’s license number.

Get Your Certificate of Electrical Compliance for Your Assets with Quick Safety!

I recommend you include as much detail as possible to ensure that you are fully complying with the regulations. With Quick Safety, we do this for you. We include ALL test results and any notes from the electrician – for complete transparency. The Queensland Government template is available to download here. In most states, be reminded that paper certificates are no longer valid—only electronic certificates are now accepted.

Penalties for Non-Compliance

It’s very important to provide this certificate to your customer as soon as possible. Penalties for failing to issue this certificate include fines of up to $5000, and fines of up to $550,000 for failure to comply with Australian safety regulations.

How QuickSafety can Help

At QuickSafety, we take the hassle out of validating, recording, and storage of your inspection and testing results, as well as in most states—completing and issuing your Certificates of Electrical Compliance. With our user-friendly app, electricians can digitally lodge their certificates within seconds, and allows the contractor to secure storage of all certificates and testing results securely in one place for up to five years (or seven in New Zealand). It also functions as a useful platform that will help you manage your time and tasks better and get rid of workspace clutter, making the job easier overall. If you have any questions, please get in touch with my team.

The QuickSafety app is now available for download via Google Play (for Android devices) and iTunes (for iOS devices). Don’t take any chances. Sign up with QuickSafety now.

The post Certificate of Electrical Compliance: What You Need to Know appeared first on QuickSafety.

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How One App Can Save You Time and Money https://www.quicksafety.com.au/app-save-time-money/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/app-save-time-money/#respond Wed, 09 Jan 2019 14:00:00 +0000 http://www.quicksafety.com.au/app-save-time-money/ With costs constantly rising, new players entering the scene, and changes within the industry, the contracting field is becoming more competitive than ever. Small businesses need every edge they can find to keep up or stay ahead of the competition. With this in mind, we at QuickSafety have designed an app for electricians, tradies, mining...

The post How One App Can Save You Time and Money appeared first on QuickSafety.

With costs constantly rising, new players entering the scene, and changes within the industry, the contracting field is becoming more competitive than ever. Small businesses need every edge they can find to keep up or stay ahead of the competition.

With this in mind, we at QuickSafety have designed an app for electricians, tradies, mining firms, and other contractors that will help you save time and money on inspection & testing and issuing compliance certificates, leading to a more robust competitive advantage to leverage.

So, how does our app achieve just that? Below is a summary of how one app can lead to increased time- and cost-efficiency.

What Is QuickSafety?

Compliance certificates, required in all states, remain an important government mandate, with serious penalties and repercussions for failure to comply. Taking care of the paperwork and records required can consume a lot of working hours, costing a company significant amounts of time. And since, in business, time essentially equates to money, this also means lost profits.

The QuickSafety app can help you process, manage, and organise compliance-related issues. It also conveniently stores records for up to five years in Australia (seven years in New Zealand). Our app takes the stress out of compliance by reducing legal exposure by up to $370,000 per month.

How QuickSafety Helps You Save Time and Money

Our app takes care of access, record keeping, and compliance validation. This leaves your staff and admin more free to do what they do best and rids workspaces of messy paperwork.

Keep Better Track of Jobs

The QuickSafety app allows users to pre-plan jobs while also logging progress and task completion. This allows users and admin to monitor tasks better and be updated in terms of the status of each task. The ability to pre-plan jobs also helps you be more time-efficient and prepared—you’ll be able to spot and even address potential issues in advance, resulting in reduced downtimes and saving you from headaches and lost income.

Register Compliance Information Remotely

Less paperwork. No more forgetting to complete compliance reports on the way back to the office. Just file remotely via your mobile device. If you’re reporting from a location so remote that you’re offline, QuickSafety will store the information and send it as soon as you’re within network range. This added convenience saves you time and reduces the stress associated with managing paperwork, keeping you more focused on improving your tasks or business as a whole.

Syncing and 24/7 access

Since information is also synced across all devices, QuickSafety not only saves time and money but also helps reduce miscommunication. With admin or staff members always updated, they’ll be informed of what they should know, need to do, and should prepare for.

Not every job falls between the hours of nine and five on business days. As such, QuickSafety also provides access on all hours every day, including holidays. It works whenever and wherever you have a job to do.

Efficient and Easy Compliance

As we all know, being compliant and managing compliance certificates can be tiring and frustrating. However, we basically have no choice—failing to comply means hefty fines and will negatively affect your reputation. Fortunately, with QuickSafety, through its innovative features, compliance is made easy and efficient, saving you from stiff penalties and helping you have more time to, say, do more tasks, improve your skills, or look for more clients.

That and its ability to help you manage your tasks and provide better visibility of progress for you and your team means that it not only helps you save time and money, it also makes your work easier overall, without you having to compromise anything.

Reach Out Today

With QuickSafety, you’re given a Certified AS/NZS3000 compliant app that provides advantages when it comes to compliance and task management—advantages that will help you do your job better. If you want to know more about QuickSafety or if you have any questions, get in touch with me or my team and we’ll be more than willing to help you.

If you’re interested in downloading the QuickSafety app, it’s now available for download via Google Play (for Android devices) and iTunes (for iOS devices).

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Free from Clutter: How One App Can Change Your Desk and State of Mind https://www.quicksafety.com.au/app-change-state-mind/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/app-change-state-mind/#respond Thu, 22 Nov 2018 14:00:00 +0000 http://www.quicksafety.com.au/app-change-state-mind/ Have you ever noticed that when your work area is cluttered, it hinders your workflow and makes your job harder and confusing? When clutter dominates our desks, we cannot focus as well on our tasks as we want to. The truth of the matter is that clutter—in the form of things such as messy paperwork...

The post Free from Clutter: How One App Can Change Your Desk and State of Mind appeared first on QuickSafety.

Have you ever noticed that when your work area is cluttered, it hinders your workflow and makes your job harder and confusing? When clutter dominates our desks, we cannot focus as well on our tasks as we want to.

The truth of the matter is that clutter—in the form of things such as messy paperwork and a disorganised workspace—can slow us down and make us less productive, ultimately affecting our bottom line.

The Ill-effects of a Messy Workspace

Studies indicate that people spend a good deal of time looking for lost paperwork or gathering up files to do their work more effectively—time that could’ve been spent on other, more important things such as actually doing the job, looking for more business, or improving operations.

Not only that; there’s been plenty of research that reveals that clutter and a disorganised workspace negatively affects productivity. This, in turn, could adversely impact your bottom line. Think of it this way: because you spend more time and effort on dealing with paperwork and clutter, you’ll have less time dedicated to doing quality work and expanding your business. In the long run, this could even affect your reputation.

The need for having an effective system to manage or reduce paperwork becomes more apparent for electricians and electrical contractors. Aside from having to manage their tools and technical files, they also have to deal with plenty of paperwork related to certificates of compliance. If left unchecked, their files could pile up and make the task of organising them a more stressful job.

A Solution to all the Clutter

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if you could simplify or reduce your physical paperwork, streamline your job’s processes, and effectively declutter? By using digital work management tools and platforms such as QuickSafety that allows you to work with more efficiency, easy access, and less clutter, you’ll be a lot closer to these goals.

These tools offer the benefit of effectively managing your tasks and files while letting you reduce paperwork by having digital copies you can access online. In QuickSafety’s case, you can lodge certificates of compliance and record your inspection and testing results — a critical part of electricians and electrical contractors’ work—via your smartphone and store them for up to five years in Australia (seven years in New Zealand). Not only are you reducing clutter, you’re also making sure that the work you do is compliant to current safety standards.

Last but not the least, and with less physical clutter resulting in mental clutter, these tools could lead to a state of mind that’s better suited for accomplishing more tasks, one that’s more focused at getting the job done. To drive home this point further, below are other benefits:

  • You’ll find things you need faster; just a few clicks and you’ll have access
  • You can deal with compliance issues seamlessly without any hassles
  • Having less clutter allows you to focus more on your tasks and deliverables
  • With a better-focused mind, you will perform and produce higher quality work

If you want to reduce paperwork and clutter on your job site, make your workday more organised, and ensure you remain compliant, QuickSafety is here for you. Our app allows you to pre-plan jobs, store files securely, record inspection and testing results, and lodge compliance certificates wirelessly, among many other conveniences, to make things easier for you. You also don’t have to worry about file access for you and your team—it allows syncing for all devices and admin and team members for continuity and efficient collaboration. It also functions offline, even without mobile or network service. Whether you work as an electrician, electrical contractor, construction or mining company, or a government electrical regulator, this easy-to-use, stress-free tool will work wonders for you.

The QuickSafety app is now available on Google Play and iTunes for download. Get in touch with us today to know more.

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The Benefits of Pre-filing and Doing Your Homework Before a Job https://www.quicksafety.com.au/benefits-pre-filing-certificate-compliance/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/benefits-pre-filing-certificate-compliance/#respond Tue, 13 Nov 2018 14:00:00 +0000 http://www.quicksafety.com.au/benefits-pre-filing-certificate-compliance/ The post The Benefits of Pre-filing and Doing Your Homework Before a Job appeared first on QuickSafety.


The modern-day electrician has to be prepared before they tackle any job. They must make sure they work in accordance with strict regulations to ensure safety and conformity while completing the work to the satisfaction of the client. Much of your success will hinge on having enough preparation, and the pre-filing of paperwork before you even lift a hand could go a long way.

So, how can you adequately prepare for the tasks on any given day and use modern technology to make everything a lot easier, especially when it comes to electrical jobs and certificates of electrical compliance?

Pre-Filing Importance

It’s crucial to understand what needs to be done before arriving at a job site. This will cut down on delays (and often under the watchful gaze of the client) and allow more work to be completed in a given day. This type of homework can often reveal a potential snag in advance, which can then be addressed ahead of time to reduce downtime at the work site.

Pre-filing should also involve entering details that relate to certificates of compliance, so this report can be finalised quickly once the work has been completed. Remember, errors here can be costly and lead to fines in excess of $5,000.

Less Paperwork and Fewer Delays

Job number one must be to reduce inefficiency and to cut down as much of the paperwork as possible to eliminate those messy paper trails. To help, it’s important to pre-file—doing so makes it a lot easier to tidy up the details upon completion. This will also help to avoid delays in confirming any details or in answering questions that come up.

Easy Data Access

With a complicated paper trail, an electrician can often get lost in files and folders when trying to access details from an older job. This is no good if regulators are on the hunt for certificate of electrical compliance details, remember, they can request this up to five years after a job has been completed in Australia and seven in New Zealand. Efficient storage and wireless access can remove the challenge and keep both regulators and clients happy.

Everybody Benefits

Electricians may clash with administrators when paperwork is an afterthought, and this can lead to extra costs, uncertainty, and a failure to perform. All parties can, therefore, benefit when the correct technologies are used. Furthermore, the admin team can pre-file by logging jobs into the system so electricians can get to work without delay. Once again, this will result in exponential gains for the entire team.

Making a Difference

At QuickSafety, our electrical inspection and testing compliance app is the perfect solution for these issues. If you want to remain compliant, pre-file effectively, get rid of the clutter in your life and be productive with your time, we recommend knowing more about what our app offers. With QuickSafety, you have a great tool that will help you make sure you meet and manage compliance requirements, reduce costs, eliminate frustrating paper trails, and save time. All that leads to more efficiency and convenience for your daily work schedule.

The QuickSafety app is now available for download via Google Play for Android devices and iTunes for iOS devices.

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A Perfect System for a Scalable Firm: How to Improve Your Efficiency with QuickSafety https://www.quicksafety.com.au/system-for-scalable-firm/ https://www.quicksafety.com.au/system-for-scalable-firm/#respond Tue, 06 Nov 2018 14:00:00 +0000 http://www.quicksafety.com.au/system-for-scalable-firm/ The post A Perfect System for a Scalable Firm: How to Improve Your Efficiency with QuickSafety appeared first on QuickSafety.


Before you can have a scalable business—one that can grow and expand appropriately—you need to have the right tools and resources for the job. Many times, electricians and their contractors find that their services are in high demand. This means that they’ve got multiple jobs to handle and little time to worry about AS/NZS 3000 standards.

However, just because you don’t have the time doesn’t mean it’s not a requirement. Being limited when it comes to time is not a valid excuse for not being compliant. Therefore, you need to make sure that your company is working proficiently with the right tools and is compliant to existing safety standards before you can hope to scale it effectively.

How Technology Can Help

Fortunately, thanks to today’s technological innovations, especially in accessibility and connectivity, new digital tools are available to help businesses achieve proper scalability.

At QuickSafety, we can improve your business’ efficiency and scalability. Our all-around electrical compliance app is suitable for a variety of mobile devices and can be used in a number of industries, from electrical to mining and construction. Once you download it, you never have to worry about forgetting a certificate of compliance for safety or electrical work done.

We make it easy for you to fill out the necessary form. Admin pre-fills the form, which makes things even easier because you just have to provide your test results and sign off! Then, you can lodge the certificate directly from your smartphone. If, for some reason, you don’t have Wi-Fi or can’t use mobile data, you can always wait until you get to an area with online connectivity or network coverage to lodge the certificates. Our electrical app also stores all the necessary information for the required five years in Australia (or seven years in New Zealand).

Convenience and Efficiency

The biggest issue electricians face is making sure they remain compliant with all the rules and current safety standards. If you’re not compliant, you could find yourself dealing with hefty fines or even lose your job. This is something me and the rest of the QuickSafety team wants you to avoid.

With our convenient, easy-to-use app, the struggle of manually lodging and keeping certificates of compliance is avoided. It also cuts admin time—the need to bring back paper to the office, for them to record the information, and then store it safely in a file is completely removed. As such, you can focus more on the task at hand, allowing you more time to complete your work and make sure you’ve satisfied your clients’ needs.

Me and the QuickSafety team aim to help you streamline your operations to achieve more efficiency, which you can build on to achieve scalability for your operations. Our app is now available for download via Google Play and iTunes. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

The post A Perfect System for a Scalable Firm: How to Improve Your Efficiency with QuickSafety appeared first on QuickSafety.

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